1) Glue pattern page to stiffer paper or card stock. Cut out pattern on line to make a sturdy template.
2) Place pattern template on folded piece of wool felt or other non-fraying fabric (right sides together).
3) Trace around pattern template with pencil (on wrong side of fabric). Remove pattern template and then pin layers together.
4) Sew on the line under the arms and coat sides only. Leave the sleeve ends, neck, and coat bottom edge unsewn.
5) After sewing, trim next to seams and up into arm pit area. Next, cut on the pencil lines at sleeve ends, neck area, and coat bottom edge.
6) Fold coat in half lengthwise to locate center front of coat, lay flat, and cut open front of coat through one layer only.
7) Turn right side out. Finger press seams to flatten. Embellish with ribbons, trims, as desired.