The very first Flopsy bunny is the result of a dream! I had planned to design a teddy bear for my next pattern but my mind and my heart kept being drawn to a little lop-eared bunny! No matter what I did, this little bunny with an extended nose, a rounder tummy, and long arms and feet just kept coming into my thoughts! One night, I "saw" the bunny in a dream. The next day, I drew out the pattern shapes and made the first Flopsy bunny out of white Fireside material. She turned out SO cute that I fell instantly in love. I could hardly do much. I just stared at her for a long time. I was pretty pleased with myself because I usually need to make at least ten prototypes before I even like a design and then it usually takes me another ten prototypes to just to feel it is balanced (can stand), the joints are in a decent location, and the personality emerges.
But with Flopsy, I didn't change her much from the first drawing! I just started making bunnies in Minky (see the 3rd Flopsy in cream Minky) and she was so sweet and soft that I decided to make a Flopsy in every pastel colour of Minky that I had. I even bought keychains that had big, fluffy pastel pom-pom's to use for their bunny tails. I planned to have them all ready for Easter. Easter sailed by and I kept sewing.
Next, Flopsy requested a dress and so I made her a mock 'apron" dress which was so much fun (fabric lovers will understand the joy of auditioning different fabric combinations for this little dress). I made so many of these 'apron dresses' - they looked like little layer cakes sitting on my sewing desk! As I was doing this, the weather was getting warmer and Flopsy started to play in the garden so she "told" me she needed a summer top and a pair of pantaloons (okay, I really wanted to design some pantaloons).
Pretty soon she was growing up, her world was expanding, and she wanted to climb trees so I started making Flopsy's in other fabrics such as viscose and mohair (see the 8th Flopsy made of white vintage style mohair) and I decided to wire her arms - what an adventure. Then I decided to wire her legs and feet (see wild Flopsy made of beige Fireside). I can hardly keep up with her! Anyway, you get the idea. More clothing patterns for a simple "play" dress and overalls were made to extend Flopsy's wardrobe.
So that's the story. I think it's the versatility of this pattern that I love most. Depending on how she or he is stuffed (soft, firm, or wired, or some combination in between), so many looks are possible from the same pattern as you can see above. You can see how the 5mm eyes look on the 1st Flopsy look compared to the bigger 6mm eyes on 8th Flopsy. 1st Flopsy and 3rd Flopsy are stuffed a little less firmly in the jaw, arm, and tummy area so they are a little more roly-poly looking. 8th Flopsy and Wild Flospy are wired and are stuffed a little firmer so they stand taller and are ready for action! I had thin 1" fiberboard discs made especially for Flopsy's leg joints. These new exclusive joints have been put into joint sets which are now available can be purchased by emailing me or through Willow Cottage Quilt Co and Cindy-rella's (all links for supplies are in the patterns).